Monday, June 27, 2011



(lights switched off the turn off and camera faces Navneet: slow zoom in)
Navneet: And welcome again to another episode of Coffee with Navu brought you by the 4g apple iphone. where we interview different celebrities every time.

(parts of the episodes of Harry Potter play where Hermione is in them)

Navneet: so could you guess who our celebrity is today?
(close up of navneet)
(pictures of emma watson are shown)
Navneet: Yep, it’s Emma Watson who acts as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter.
(Adriana walks in dressed like Emma Watson: dolly shot then sits down)

(Close up of Adriana then a mid level shot of both, Adriana and Navneet)

Adriana: hey, thanks for having me in your show.
Navneet: it is a pleasure to have you here. So Emma, today we have 3 questions to ask you about your job from your fans out there.
(Close up of Navneet and then a reaction shot of Adriana and a mid level shot of both Adriana and Navneet)
Adriana: well great! I’m ready...
(Close up of Adriana)

(A mid level shot of Adriana and Navneet)

Navneet:  Question 1-  How was your last day of filming? How did you feel?
Adriana:  well, umm... It was a really sad time knowing that I’ll leave the people who I’ve been with for so long for filming since a young age.
(close up shot zooming in slowly into a diagonal high angle shot)
(Close up of Navneet)

Navneet:  Question 2- If you try to fail, and succeed, which have u done?
(Adriana laughs then smiles and faces the camera as if looking at audience)
Adriana: Well, I’ll say I’ve succeeded in completing my first filming, Harry Potter, as successful movie known worldwide.
(close up of Adriana and then a mid level shot)
(Navneet smiles and laughs in the end of her sentence)

(A mid level shot and then gradually fades into a close up shot of Navneet)

Navneet: Great! All right, last question- Do you enjoy your celebrity star status? How does it feel to be the most desirable woman on the earth?
(Close up of Adriana smiling again till the end)

Navneet: is it too hard to answer??
(quick reaction shot of Navneet asking the question)
Adriana: Well, yea, pretty hard to explain, but I’ll try have a go at answering it. Being a celebrity and the most desirable woman on earth is great, but sometimes you won’t be able to have some private time and enjoy life. Too many fans everywhere surrounding every action you may do!
(A reaction and then a close up shot of Adriana)
(both laugh together)

(close up of Navneet in this scene - looks as if she is talking to the audience)

Navneet: Well great for having you here to tell us more about yourself. But before you leave, you must sign the celebrity coffee mug, its a tradition of coffee with navu every celebrity that comes signs their mug at the end of the show.
(mid level shot of Adriana and Navneet)
(both smile, then a full shot of karin's sister walking in dressed all pretty and a close up of Karin's sister handing over the texta marker to Adriana , smiles at Adriana then exits and there is a full shot of her exiting)
(Adriana signs the mug it is a zoom in/close up onto the mug when she is signing it)
Adriana: again thanks, for having me here.
(close up of Adriana)
Navneet: Thanks
(close up of Navneet)
(get up and both shake hands and camera goes focus and there is a full of both)

(zoom in/close up of Navneet)

Navneet: And that’s it for today’s show. Hope to see you next time on Coffee with Navu. Brought you by the 4g apple iphone.
(lights go off again and the camera moves up to the dark background/the video fades into credits and music plays louder)

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