What is a broadband?
Broadband is a fast Internet connection in today's society, but later on in the future there will be even faster Internet connection. So there is no set definition about a broadband because there is no particular limit or a certain degree of standard of broadband.
What units are used to measure bandwidth?
There is no certain agreement made on the ways to prove the terms used to measure bandwidth but the measure that are used now days are bits kilobits, megabits, megabytes (MB), megabytes per second and megabits per second.
How much faster is broadband than dial up?
Broadband is 200 kbs faster than dial up. This means that downloads from the web are faster with dial-up it may even take up to one whole day to download a large file. Broadband has faster page loading as well.
What are the speeds that broadband operates at compared to dial up?
Broadband has a transfer rate of 256 kilobits of data per second and Dial-up has a transfer rate of 56 Kilobits of data per second.
What are some of the advantages of using a broadband connection to download something like a video compared to dial up?
Broadband connection is better to use to download large files like videos, rather than using dial up because broadband is faster and dial up always will have a connection problem when a regular phone line is in use because of the data used. The capacity of bandwidth in broadband is way more larger than dial up.
Create an image in paint that illustrates how a high bandwidth connection can move more data compared to a dial up connection at a given time.
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