Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Drawing Tools In Word

I used Microsoft Word to draw this shape which is a love heart. The tools on word were very simple to use to draw the shape and it was quite easy to make the love heart 3D. The title was also very easy to do because you just had to click on word art tool and type the title and select a design how you wanted your title to be.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Paint Tools

1. Rectangle Select
To confine a square or rectangle of a selected region.

2. Move Selected Pixels
To move pixels that are currently selected as a result of using the various Selection Tools.

3. Lasso Select
To draw a freeform selected region.

4. Move Selection
To move a selected part of the image without affecting the pixels that are selected.

5. Ellipse Select
To draw an ellipse or a circle on a selected area.

6. Zoom
This tool can be used to zoom in (left click), zoom out (right click), or zoom the whole canvas around a particular region (draw a rectangle).

7. Magic Wand
To select areas of the acitve layer that are similar in colour.

8. Text Tool
This tool is used to put any text on a image.

9. Paintbrush
This tool is selected by default when you start Paint.NET, and is useful for many kinds of freeform drawing.

10. Eraser
This tool is used for erasing any part of the image.

11. Pencil
The pencil allows you to edit the active layer pixel-by-pixel.

12. Colour Picker
The tool, colour picker allows you to pick up a color from the active layer and set it as the current primary or secondary color.

13. Clone Stamp
The clone stamp is used on layers, or within in layers to copy regions of pixels on it.

14. Recolour Tool
This tool is used for replacing one colour with another.

15. Paint Bucket
Paint Bucket is used for filling in areas of similar colour with a different colour.

16. Line/Curve Tool
To draw curved or straight lines.

17. Rectangle
This tool is used to draw squares and rectangles.

18. Rounded Rectangle
This tool is used to form rounded rectangles and rounded squares.

19. Freeform Shape
This tool is used to create a shape with a freeform outline.

20. Tolerance Slider
The tolerance tool controls how similar colours must be when being operated on by these tools.

21. Colour Display
The colour display allows you to show what primary and secondary colours are and also it allows quick buttons for resetting to black and white, and for swapping the primary and secondary colors.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Graphic Terms..

Animated Gif- A single graphic file that contains a series of images which are displayed sequentially to give the illusion of movement or change over time. Animation is best used sparingly on text intensive webpages. Movement may add a dynamic feel to content but also distracts the user from reading text on the page.

Crop-  To cut out or trim unneeded portions of an image or a page is to crop. Cutting lines, known as crop
marks, may be indicated on a print-out of the image or page to show where to crop.

Dpi-  A measure of the resolution of a printer is called DPI or dots per inch.   

jpeg- A set of standards and file format for compression of digital color images.

Mirror- To reflect an image as it would appear in a mirror. Taking an image and reflecting it as an axis.

Resolution- Resolution is the image created as a result of the number of pixels or dots used.

Pixel- The number of pixels in an image is sometimes called the resolution.

FPS- A measure of the count of individual images, per second, that are displayed on a screen.

File Extension- A filename extension or filename suffix is an extra set of (usually) alphanumeric characters that is appended to the end of a filename to allow computer users (as well as various
pieces of software on the computer system) to quickly determine the type of data stored in the file.

BMP- A bitmap is a type of graphic composed of pixels (picture element) in a grid.

Frame- The information or image on a screen monitor at any one time.

Compression- The process by which data is compressed into a form that minimizes the space required to store or transmit it.

Flip- To turn an image on a certain axis.

Morph- Morph causes to change shape in a computer animation.

Frame Buffer- An area of memory used to hold a frame of data. Typically used for screen output, the buffer is the size of the maximum image that can be displayed on the screen.

Video Card- A piece of hardware installed into a personal computer to allow it to send video signals to an
external output device such as a monitor or projector

CPU-  The processor or central processor, the CPU is where most calculations take place. In terms of computing power, the CPU is the most important element of a computer system.

Colour Depth- Color depth or bit depth, is a computer graphics term describing thenumber of bits used to represent the color of a single pixel in a bitmapped image or video frame buffer.